Under the Applicants section, there is a new button “+ Upload New Creator”
Fill out this quick form to add your favorite creators into the “Applicants section”
⚠️ Uploading a creator will not trigger any emails and does not notify the creator. This is strictly for your own organization only. ⚠️
⌛️ It takes 6 minutes for new creator records to be added to your dashboard. You will be notified via email once your custom added creator is populated in your dashboard
Select Brand Review > Send Invite Email to notify the creator that you are interested in working with them. Creators will receive a “modified” invite email.
NEW “Invite Email” for creators a brand has manually added
EXISTING “Invite Email” for applicants through Palm
Brands now can access a clean URL for how their project posting is displayed to creators.
Head to the “Project Overview” tab at the bottom of the individual Project cards. Job Posting Link is an external facing URL of the related Job Post.